Some of the most common issues confronting the meat industry are salmonella, campylobacter and listeria contamination, which can greatly harm the end-consumer if not detected rapidly. SwissDeCode offers rapid solutions to analyse both incoming materials and end products, as well as production lines, to make sure that products and processes are free from dangerous bacteria.
Incoming goods can be adulterated with cheaper material (i.e. pork by-products), meaning that the final product may not comply with the specified quality standards. DNAFoil provides the possibility to assure that only complying raw materials are used into the supply chain processes and therefore guarantee that no potential contaminants can affect the final product quality and compliance with existing regulations.
Meat products can also be adulterated with cheaper vegetal ingredients (e.g. soy or starch) to increase profit. If undetected, adulteration may cause potentially dangerous undeclared allergens to reach consumers and lead companies to expensive food recalls and serious consequences. DNAFoil Vegetal detects the presence of vegetal material in animal products in just 30 minutes.